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Assignment W3

Assignment 2: Core Competencies (due date Friday 23) Each advanced care provider role has specific core competencies specific to the specialization. Following are links to websites describing core competencies that are relevant to the South University College of Nursing and Public Health advanced practice role specializations: Indirect Care Provider Roles: Nurse Administrator Nurse Informaticist Nurse Read More

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  • Mar 15, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Assignment 2: Core Competencies (due date Friday 23)
Each advanced care provider role has specific core competencies specific to the specialization. Following are links to websites describing core competencies that are relevant to the South University College of Nursing and Public Health advanced practice role specializations:
Indirect Care Provider Roles:
Nurse Administrator
Nurse Informaticist
Nurse Educator
Direct Care Provider Roles:
NP (Adult, Gerontology, or Family Health)
To prepare for this assignment, review all core competencies and then provide a response in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title and reference page) your review of these competencies considering the following:
Compare and contrast the core competencies of a direct care provider advanced role and indirect care provider advanced role. For example, if you are a nurse informaticist or nurse administrator student, compare your role’s core competencies to the NP core competencies. If you are a NP student, compare your role’s core competencies to that of the nurse informaticist or the nurse administrator.
Analyze the similarities and differences in implementation of the competencies within the selected roles.
URLs to assist you in preparing your assignment:
AACN for Nurse Informatics
Adult-Gerontology NP Competencies
AONE for Nurse Administrators/Executives
Family NP Competencies
NLN for Nurse Educators
NONFP-NP Core Competencies and Content
AANP Association for NPs

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