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Review the study components in the left-side column of the form below. Refer to the study you chose, and complete the data in the right-side column with the key components in that study. 750 -1000words Research Question: How did the research question emerge from the review of literature in the article? Independent Variables Type: Dependent Read More

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Pages (275 words)
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  • Mar 27, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Review the study components in the left-side column of the form below. Refer to the study you chose, and complete the data in the right-side column with the key components in that study. 750 -1000words
Research Question:
How did the research question emerge from the review of literature in the article?
Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
Identify and Define the Study Design Elements:
1. Quantitative vs. Qualitative:
2. Sample Size
3. Method of sample selection: Explanation.
4. Identify and define the experimental and control groups?
5. Reliable and valid data instruments? Explain.
Describe analysis.
What statistics were used?
Did the researchers’ conclusions make sense, did they answer the research question, and did they appear to flow from the review of the literature?
Did they explore control of extraneous variables?

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