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In this assignment you’ll be doing a bit of research into nutrition recommendations for people with a disorder related to their diet. After figuring out what dietary recommendations you should be making, you will use SuperTracker to craft a one-day diet plan for someone with your chosen condition. A few things to remember as you’re Read More

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  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 4 min read
3 years ago|

In this assignment you’ll be doing a bit of research into nutrition recommendations for people with a disorder related to their diet. After figuring out what dietary recommendations you should be making, you will use SuperTracker to craft a one-day diet plan for someone with your chosen condition.
A few things to remember as you’re preparing this assignment:
1. Refer back to the directions for your Diet Analysis assignment if you need some reminders for how to use SuperTracker.
2.Remember to put on your critical thinking cap when you’re researching dietary recommendations for your chosen disorder. Make sure you’re getting your recommendations from a reputable source!
3. You diet must fulfill general guidelines for health as well as the recommendations specific to your disorder.
4. Clearly indicate each section: Dietary recommendations (B), Meal plan (C), Incorporation of recommendations (D).
Things to remember as you’re submitting the assignment:
1. Read the assignment directions and the rubric carefully in order to make sure you’re including everything.
2. You may submit your nutrient report and your writeup as separate files, but they may need to be the same file type: both Word documents or both PDFs.
A. Select one of the following nutrition-related illnesses:
Cardiovascular (Heart) disease Type 2 Diabetes Hypertension
A different illness may be researched as long as there is a clear association with nutrition and recommended dietary considerations. If you choose a condition not listed above, you must get your topic approved by me.
B. Write a summary of dietary recommendations for people who have your chosen illness.
Pretend that you are a nurse explaining to a patient why they need to modify their diet and what changes they need to make. (Or, pretend that you are a nutrition counselor writing to a client.) Your summary must be in your own words. You must explain what dietary changes are recommended for someone with your chosen illness and why these changes are important. Remember, you’re trying to educate a reluctant patient or client!
You may use your textbook as your reference for this summary, but you must indicate what section(s) you are referencing. (If you choose a disease other than the big three mentioned above, your textbook may not have much information in it.) You must submit a URL (Web address) or full reference (as described here (Links to an external site.) ) for non-textbook resources.
There is no strict minimum or maximum length, but your summary must contain enough information to advise your patient or client.
C. Prepare a sample one day meal plan for a person with your chosen illness.
1. Meal plan must include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least one snack.
2. Meal plan must meet daily nutritional requirements for a normal person with a 2000calorie/day diet.
3. Meal plan must incorporate the recommendations for your specific chosen illness.
4. Enter your meal plan into SuperTracker and print a nutrient report.
— You do not need to create a separate account, simply follow directions below. However, if you want to save your meal plan and be able to come back to it at a later date, you will need to create an account.
— Go to (Links to an external site.)
— The default setting for Super Tracker is a 2000 calorie/day diet. Do not change this.
— Enter your planned foods into the food tracker.
— In the upper right, under the food groups chart, look for the “Nutrient Intake Report” link. This will bring up a nutrient report of your entered meal plan.
–Adjust your meal plan as needed to make it as healthy as possible!!
— When your final meal plan is entered, select “Export as PDF” and print the detailed nutrients report.
— Make sure you are submitting your Nutrients Report. The correct one should look like this at the top (with different dates and your own username, of course):
5. Attach a copy of your meal plan to the assignment as well.
–You may type this up separately or simply print a “Meal Summary” from SuperTracker.
D. Explain how you have incorporated illness-specific dietary recommendations from B into your meal plan.
Pretend you’re talking to your patient or client again! Tell them what you did and how this exact plan will help them meet their nutritional needs. Be specific and exact – “I made sure to include this food in your meal plan to increase the amount of fiber.” Or “I avoided this type of food to keep the sodium intake low.”
–This part should take approximately another paragraph or two.

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