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Your assignment for this week entails working on an introduction for your project. The introduction should: Contain the title of the lesson. Identify and describe the learners. Describe the educational setting: staff development, patient education, family education, and so forth. Include learner assessments: educational level, developmental level, readiness to learn, and so forth. Provide a Read More

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  • Mar 15, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Your assignment for this week entails working on an introduction for your project. The introduction should:
Contain the title of the lesson.
Identify and describe the learners.
Describe the educational setting: staff development, patient education, family education, and so forth.
Include learner assessments: educational level, developmental level, readiness to learn, and so forth.
Provide a purpose and rationale for selecting the topic/disease.
Describe the philosophical or theoretical basis for teaching approaches used in the lesson.
Focus on 1 disease/3 audiences.
Support answers with relevant examples and journal articles.

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