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Professor Larson described changing public attitudes regarding transnational immigrants

Professor Larson described changing public attitudes regarding transnational immigrants, refugees and adoptees in the United States stretching from the Progressive Era, through the Civil Rights movements, and into 21st century emphasis on human rights. He focused our attention on the changing roles that government agencies and civil society groups have played in shaping both policies Read More

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  • Mar 26, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Professor Larson described changing public attitudes regarding transnational immigrants, refugees and adoptees in the United States stretching from the Progressive Era, through the Civil Rights movements, and into 21st century emphasis on human rights. He focused our attention on the changing roles that government agencies and civil society groups have played in shaping both policies and attitudes about these groups. In the current moment there seems to be little support for the transnational adoption process, in terms of either social support from civil society groups or government regulation.
Why has the protection of the rights of adopted children come to receive less social support and less government regulation since the 1960s and 70s?”

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