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Discussion Question Public Health

The US society is grounded on the rule of law administered through the US legal system. There are many important features and principles of the US legal system. In order to study public health policy, you need to relate the laws with public health policies. On the basis of your understanding of the topic and Read More

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  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

The US society is grounded on the rule of law administered through the US legal system. There are many important features and principles of the US legal system. In order to study public health policy, you need to relate the laws with public health policies.
On the basis of your understanding of the topic and knowledge gained from this week’s readings, answer the following questions:
What is the purpose of having a body of enforceable laws in our society?
What are two key roles of laws in our society?
What might be the result if these laws were not in place?
Explain the four primary legal sources of laws—constitutions, statutes, administrative regulations, and common laws.
Compare and contrast between a public health policy and a law.
Do you think that public health policy is dependent upon the laws? Why and how?

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