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Research Article Pat Benner

Select one secondary source article that reflects a comprehensive literature review of the Skill Acquisition Model in nursing propounded by the theorist Patricia Benner (From Novice to Expert). 1. Write a single page summary of the article that contains in 3 paragraphs an introduction, a synopsis of the article describing the author’s perspective, and a Read More

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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 1 min read
3 years ago|

Select one secondary source article that reflects a comprehensive literature review of the Skill Acquisition Model in nursing propounded by the theorist Patricia Benner (From Novice to Expert).
1. Write a single page summary of the article that contains in 3 paragraphs an introduction, a synopsis of the article describing the author’s perspective, and a conclusion that contains your own evaluation of the article and its relevance. Begin each summary with the correct APA citation of the article.
Note: A secondary source is an article written about the theory or its use by another author different from Benner.
2.On a second page write a brief overview of the theorist’s background using other articles for reference. Use the following questions for guidance: Does the theory/model provide crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist? Does the theory describe the theorist’s background and how it impacted theory development? Can you describe the theory in your own words? Does the theory talk of the phenomenon of concern or problems?

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