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Topic 4 DQ 1

Re:Topic 4 DQ 1 The U.S health care system faces significant challenges, despite being viewed by many people as the most efficient. The U.S health care system remains one of the least efficient in the world and the most expensive (Stephen Davidson, 2010). According to a report by the Commonwealth Fund, The US health care Read More

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  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 3 min read
4 years ago|

Re:Topic 4 DQ 1
The U.S health care system faces significant challenges, despite being viewed by many people as the most efficient. The U.S health care system remains one of the least efficient in the world and the most expensive (Stephen Davidson, 2010). According to a report by the Commonwealth Fund, The US health care system ranks last among eleven industrialized countries on measures of access, equity, quality, efficiency and healthy lives. The study also shows that a higher percentage of Americans skip out on the medical care they need simply because it’s too expensive. 37% of Americans don’t visit a doctor or seek out medical care because they are afraid of the cost, compared to a country like the United Kingdom, where only 4% of people there are reported to have skimped on healthcare for similar concerns. This just shows how health care in America is expensive for the ordinary American to afford. One of the reasons that worsen the situation in America is that the U.S doesn’t offer universal health care as compared to other countries; this leaves a huge percentage of the population uninsured and unable to pay for medical services.
According to Stephen Davidson (2010), there are approximately 37 million Americans who are not insured and that’s a growing concern. Prevention care is underutilized in the U.S which results in higher spending on complex diseases. Patients with chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension etc. don’t receive the care they need for example; drug therapies and self-management services to help them manage their conditions. There have also been cases of patients receiving unnecessary and harmful treatment. People with lower incomes and of different ethnic groups are the most affected since they face great disparities in health care.
The biggest U.S health care challenge faced by the country is management challenges. The health care system is always under pressure to cut costs and improve the quality of health care (Stephen Davidson, 2010). The main challenge being use of outdated and ineffective technology in some of the facilities. The management of these health care facilities are also opposed to changes which is another barrier faced by the U.S health care system.
The U.S health care system was in dire need of reforms so that Americans can enjoy health care system like other countries. High cost of health care is one of the issues that encouraged the need for reform of American health care system. There was need to reform the health care system especially because 25 million Americans were under-insured and 37 million had no health insurance or coverage. This meant that most Americans would pay for health services out of their pockets which is not affordable to all.
Stephen Davidson (2010) notes that, Americans were and are still not getting the effective health care that they require, the cost is too high, and thus the needs for health care reform. All these challenges led to the passage of the affordable care Act of 2010. Chronic diseases in America account for seven of 10 deaths among Americans each year; this is one area that prompted the need for reform. Diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and arthritis cost the American economy trillions of dollars each year. Reform in such areas would help the country save a lot of money.
The American health care system is still facing challenges up-to-date and there is need for continuous reforms so that all Americans can have the health care system that they deserve. The cost of still too high, the population needs to be educated on areas of disease management and prevention among other areas.

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