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Epidemic, Endemic, and Pandemic Occurrence of Disease(s) One aspect of epidemiology is the study of the epidemic, endemic, and pandemic occurrence of disease(s). Some critics may argue diseases and conditions such as bird flu are endemic in many countries, and some may argue human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS is a series of epidemics. Using Read More

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  • Mar 20, 2021
  • 2 min read
3 years ago|

Epidemic, Endemic, and Pandemic Occurrence of Disease(s)
One aspect of epidemiology is the study of the epidemic, endemic, and pandemic occurrence of disease(s).
Some critics may argue diseases and conditions such as bird flu are endemic in many countries, and some may argue human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS is a series of epidemics.
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about the various epidemic, endemic, and pandemic occurrence of disease(s).
Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:
At what point does a disease become an epidemic, endemic, or pandemic? What are the parameters that define each of these states of a disease’s effect?
Do you agree that bird flu, HIV, or AIDS could be described as a series of epidemics? Why or why not?
Should we study epidemiology and disease control as a complement to the provision of healthcare services? Why or why not?
Disease control has evolved since the discoveries and achievements of these epidemiological pioneers—Hippocrates, John Snow, Pasteur, and Koch. Explain the impact of at least one major historical contribution on the current status of epidemiological practices. How can history potentially shape and impact our future work in public health and clinical medicine? Explain.

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